WEBeDoctor has collaborated with ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs) in order to provide them with an efficiency system relevant to the demands of a surgery center. The WEBeSurgi® ASC EMR is a surgical practice software that is entirely HIPAA compliant and very easy to use. WEBeSurgi gives ASCs the solution to automate appointment scheduling, pre-operation/post-operation statuses, and medical billing. Being a web-based EMR software, WEBeSurgi provides daily data storage and backup tools to clients, to ensure data retrieval.
Integrating the WEBeSurgi ASC EMR into your surgery center allows for more patients to be seen and it reduces interrelated costs from managing an ASC practice. WEBeSurgi is the most efficient way for ASCs to increase their profits, manage patient records, and streamline office workflows. WEBeSurgi is a fully integrated, single database software solution that streamlines your ASC’s administrative and clinical processes. The current templates in WEBeSurgi were designed by ASCs themselves. These templates are perfect for single and multi-specialty surgery centers.
Advantages :
A Turn-Key, Yet Customizable System – After realizing that all surgery centers share similar requirements and processes, WEBeDoctor engineers went forth with creating a universal system applicable to any type of surgical center. WEBeSurgi’s architecture was created so that any surgery center could benefit from its offerings. However, WEBeDoctor also identified that every practice has its own management style. So, we have made sure to provide customization capabilities within WEBeSurgi. This will allow each client to have the best ASC management system that suits their center’s needs.
A Secure, Web-Based System- WEBeSurgi is a web-based (or cloud-based) system that allows for operational statuses and activities to be monitored without physically being in a communications center. A web-based system provides remote access to live information without sacrificing security. WEBeSurgi uses the highest level of security available–128 bit encryption. This is the same level of security used for online banking. Information can be restricted at the user-level–logging actions without sacrificing data security. Multiple users can be on the WEBeSurgi system at the same time. Mobile devices such as smartphones, iPads, netbooks, laptops, and even desktops can access the system concurrently.
Better Patient Tracking & Analysis –By automating your daily duties and logging them into your electronic system, you and your staff will be able to have more visibility and control on your surgical center’s management style. With an electronic system that maps out your daily workflows, you and your staff can easily identify problems and create resolutions for them quickly.
Less Time Spent on Administrative Processes – Searching for lost charts is extremely time consuming and can make your administrative workflows inefficient. WEBeSurgi eliminates time lost searching for misplaced charts because documentation is written at the point-of-care and organized electronically right away—allowing you and your staff to spend more time on patient care. Charts, filing, and folders are all eliminated with WEBeSurgi. Now that your patient information is electronic, you and your staff can view this information at the same time—allowing for multiple tasks to be completed at once.
Increased Patient Safety & Reduced Liability – With WEBeSurgi, patients and their statuses are monitored from the second they enter your surgery center. Surgeries are closely monitored through WEBeSurgi’s: anesthesia records, pre-operation records, post-operation records, and discharge records. These features significantly reduce patient liabilities for your surgery center, since you and your staff have cataloged the entire patient surgery process.
Low Cost, High Financial Gain – Since WEBeSurgi is web-based, the cost for a complete solution is much less expensive than any traditional client/server based software. There is no need for you to invest in expensive servers, data rooms,or IT experts anymore. Eliminating the need for servers or data rooms provides you and your ASC with not only the opportunity to save capital, but also the opportunity to invest elsewhere.
- Surgical Supply Inventory
- Anesthesia Supply Inventory
- Anesthesia Records
- Pre-Operation & Post-Operation Records
- Discharge Records
- Surgical Center Vitals
- Customizable Electronic Consent Forms
- Lab interface (Quest, LabCorp, etc.)
- Document/image management
- Integrated Appointment Scheduling
- Online Patient Portal
Call us today (714-990-3999) for a “no obligation” quote.