Remote Therapeutic Monitoring
Monitor non-physiological data of patients utilizing devices and seamlessly bill for Medicare RTM services.
What is remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM)
The CMS proposed Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM) to complement the existing suite of Remote Physiological Monitoring (RPM) codes covered under medicare. RTM is designed for the management of patients using Medical devices that collect non-physiological data.
The new codes are intended to expand the scope and reach of digital health technologies to reimburse the monitoring on non-physiologic data like musculoskeletal and respiratory system status, therapy/medication, therapy/medication responses, and more

Significance of Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM)
Monitoring patients in the ways described by RTM provides opportunities for lowering spending on preventable hospitalizations, ED visits and urgent care.
RTM will allow physicians to gain more information on how a patient’s daily life is impacting their conditions and overall health. This allows for the personalization of care plans to enable the best possible patient outcomes.
How RTM and RPM are different
One of the biggest differences between RTM and RPM is the RTM data can be self-reported. RPM requires the device to digitally record and transmit the recorded physiologic data and it cannot be self-recorded, self-reported, or entered manually into the device.
RPM codes are Evaluation and Management (E and M) codes according to CMS and are billable mostly by physicians. The RTM codes on the other hand are considered general medicine codes and could be utilized by nurses and physical therapists.

WEBeDoctor Remote Therapeutic Monitoring Solution
WEBeDoctor RTM solution empowers physicians to track non-physiolgic data of patients seamlessly and allows for the precise adjustments of care plans.
Using WEBeDoctor RTM, physicians can ensure patients are properly taking their medications and manage responses to those medications, by encouraging them to self-report information on these measures.
Comprehensive Feature Set
- HIPA Compliant Secure
- Performance Metric Dashboard
- Real-time Video & Audio
- Calendars & Sheduling
- HER/EMR Integration Analytics, Reports & Charts
- Readmission Rate Dashboard
- Smart Critical/Panic Alerts
- Unified Patient Care Record
Medicare RTM Reimbursement Codes
CMS aims to fill in the gaps RPM leaves behind by introducing RTM, giving physicians who can’t normally bill E/M services a chance to do so, while also focusing on non-physiological data. Here the CMS RTM reimbursement codes and their corresponding payments.

Learn how our Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM) solution can elevate your practice by scheduling a demo.