Chronic Care Management
Streamline your CCM process, improve patient health outcomes and maximize revenue seamlessly with a scalable CCM platform.
Why WEBeDoctor Chronic Care Management….
Automatically identify eligible patient’s, enroll, document medication’s, capture accurate time spent with patients by
tracking calls & emails, generate billing reports based on CMS guidelines for guaranteed reimbursement. With the
WEBeDoctor platform, enroll eligible patients, serve and bill for the CCM and RPM service simultaneously.

WEBeDoctor offers two engagement models:
1- CCM Software Platform Only
2- CCM End-to-End Service

Product Features
Comprehensive Care Plans
Simplify workflow, create condition-specific care plans for patients. Update notes against each item of the care plan to help tele-nurses accurately monitor the progress of patients.
Automated Documentation
Reduce documentation time and increase productivity and provide quality care. Automated timer captures/records the exact time spent on different activities that can be account for CMS auditing and billing purposes
Role Based Access
WEBeDoctor solution is secure. HIPPA Compliant Platform hosted in a cloud server with in-built features lets you define the access and also have user-specific access conditions
Dash Board and Reports
Create customized reports based on CMS guidelines for guaranteed reimbursement. Ease your transition by importing service information your billing system and opt to generate a detailed report on patient interactions include care plan
WEBeDoctor solution is secure. HIPAA Compliant Platform hosted in a cloud server with in-built features lets you define the access and also have user-specific access conditions.
WEBeDoctor is flexible enough to accommodate the CMS changes and additional CPT codes based on the practice needs.

CMS continues to increase the number of Chronic Care Management codes providers can bill for. Starting with just one code in 2015, the Physician Fee Schedule now includes 6 codes accounting for various levels of complexity and time.
What’s most interesting about Chronic Care Management is that all care provided by clinical staff incident to and under general supervision of the billing practitioner count towards CCM.
Given the incident to and general supervision mandate, the majority of patient needs and complications can be managed and delt with by clinical staff enabling providers to focus on only the most complex patient needs, all while increasing patient access to care and provide reimbursement.
CCM, done right is an easy way to increase your practice revenue and profitability. WEBeDoctor delivers a world klas software to run your Chronic Care Management Program.